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Question to staff from staff

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2018 10:03 pm
by GM Oden
I feel a bit annoyed I even feel like I need to do this publicly but where are you guys?

Vulcan has been relatively active and has helped me on a few things which I appreciate. I enjoy having a free hand on things I'm putting together during this conversion process but there are core things I've asked for feedback and haven't heard back for a week now specifically religions. I haven't heard from Argon or Blckfire for quite sometime, easily a month but probably more..

Are you guys still interested in this? I want a proper fucking ETA now when you guys plan to be back around, if I can't get a straight answer I'll be completely honest here, I don't know if I'll have time for this. I've tried time and time again to light the fire on interest for you guys but you've got a choice to make now.

When I jumped on board information was not given to me about certain staff and their IRL circumstances, I found out only about a month later and I understood though was still pissed cause this was never intended to be a one man show. I've let this spill into the general forums cause as I stated I've tried to contact everyone of you in our group Skype chat and only Vulcan has made an appearance, now if Vulcan is your surrogate and I'm the slave labor, I've seriously got better things to do and I bet Vulcan does to.

If you don't have time for Pangaea in general as I've told you guys in the past, I'm willing to host and handle the day to day maintenance, find new staff to cover short to long term, until you are free again at which point you can take control again. This isn't about me taking absolute control but there are times specifically last week where if I had access to the live shard I could potentially hunt down why parrying was not working last Saturday or Sunday.

Now for some personal information, deadlines I've self imposed have come and gone, I'm a dawdler and jump from thing to thing even if it is not completely done, I understand that it's a piss poor work ethic. My buddy, Hayabusa is pretty much done with UO for now as some IRL issues have taken him out of the game but I'm willing to put money on other reasons specifically dealing with Pangaea in general for him, chiefly the activity I'm making a big stink about now.

So, here it is, my last attempt, the ultimate attempt to get some fires lit to get your pots boiling but if nothing comes from this or I get short term appeasement and action which drops off, it's time to evaluate if I should jump on a life boat or continue trying to bail water.

My sincerest apologies to players for this subject spilling over into public forums but you should know that I've tried time and time again to try to spark the fire of action and creativity and I'm growing a bit sick of it.

Staff, as I said Vulcan's been a bit of a help but I want you guys to think seriously if it isn't time to give up the ghost and if even temporarily pass the torch. If not to me fine I get I can be a bit argumentative when I disagree with things I don't like and maybe even have a trust issue with me because I have a history with pol which includes working with the Pangaea 094 scripts under two different shards, the more popular of which being Avalon, but find someone else to host and step back so we can hash out what needs to be done for religions and future dev.

The new religion system was never fully hashed out and written out somewhere but at this point because of the inability to answer even my basic questions I've again stopped work on the new religion system but the old system is running under 099. If you truly don't care I'll script my ideal religion system and put it in place but I assure you it's very different than the religion system you want. I never intended to get so involved with pushing ideas for the religion stuff but when I discovered the disarray non existent game plan for what religions would be I figured I'd push my thoughts forward and pushed hard for them. I've since back peddled on piety and foci for Pangaea but don't want to turn religions into a gold sink. My religion system will strip piety, foci and any notion of gold sinks in the form you want for religions so the ball is in your court, let's get this shard running on all cylinders.

I just want an honest answer when you guys will be back in the game on a regular basis and if you don't plan to be anytime soon let's agree to find new blood and pass the baton to someone else.

(I don't need player feedback on this, don't need to pile on, this is literally the last attempt I'll make at trying to light any fire under the other staff. Vulcan's been pretty decent about helping and feedback though so this is more geared toward Argon and Blckfire, maybe a dickish move but I kind of don't care at this point :D )

Re: Question to staff from staff

Posted: Thu May 03, 2018 4:29 pm
by Argon
I've had the opportunity to say this directly to the staff on Skype, however it is only fair to reply here.

I've got to say that it was more than a year since I've last looked on Pangaea, for the most, it was due to the amount of work I've been into, and of course Pangaea was not on the highest priority on the things to do with the few free time I've had. Things are not expected to get better soon, so I've said and consider that I no longer can help in GMing. Eventually I would appreciate if I can play every now and then for the good old times sake.

Above all what I would like to say is Thank You. Thank you for keeping it up in times where it seemed you were all alone, thank you for keeping such a project alive, something that many of us cherish for ages. It's amazing how such a game resists through time.

Pangaea is in my opinion in good hands with you on board and I do hope you keep motivated and manage to bring it up to 099. That's the biggest step forward, something many of us wanted to accomplish but so far we haven't been able. Relying on free time to commit to a game is not an easy task considering that nowadays most of us are very busy on work and family.

If you want my advise I will be around to give although I know I have a different view of the game than yours, but that's fine as long as it is for the best of the most.

Good luck people.

Re: Question to staff from staff

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 8:24 am
by Ert
Ill admit i havent been checking up on the shard as often as i should in the past months, but im impressed with the changes so far and with religions back im gona put more time into this cuz they made it more interesting for me.

Re: Question to staff from staff

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2018 2:21 am
by Tyrion
Oden has singlehandedly resuscitated the server and the hard part is still to come. Staff should be ashamed of themselves for the state of decay they've allowed the server to fall into. Unbelievable, that Oden has not already been given the server based on the level of effort he's put forth. If Oden wasn't around nothing would have been done, which certainly includes reintroduction of religions. Until more dedicated staff like Oden are in charge of this project, veterans like myself do not see the point. There are so many things that still need to be addressed that only Oden appears to be championing. A weekend shard is great, but the good feels wear off faster if there is nothing to stay excited for. It takes a team to successfully manage a gaming server, and quite frankly the only one that really shows the level of commitment is Oden.