stat-locking potion

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is this worth implementing?

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Cyrus Tegyr
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Re: stat-locking potion

Post by Cyrus Tegyr »

Let's make it require Weakens to craft, they have no use whatsoever.
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Cirius Do'Brim
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Re: stat-locking potion

Post by Cirius Do'Brim »

Or just change weakens. Drink one and you're too weak to gain stats.
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Re: stat-locking potion

Post by Glarundis »

Cirius Do'Brim wrote:Or just change weakens. Drink one and you're too weak to gain stats.
not a bad idea!

Re: stat-locking potion

Post by Ares »

I don't know. Wouldnt it be nice to keep weakens, just in case? Im sure there are situations where they are needed. Aren't they an ingredient in alchemy as well?
Darion al'Ferran
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Re: stat-locking potion

Post by Darion al'Ferran »

Dont take away my weakens =( Atleast im using weaken pots to keep str in certain point. Since as an assassin im keeping my dex maxed instead of str.
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Cirius Do'Brim
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Re: stat-locking potion

Post by Cirius Do'Brim »

Yeap, they're needed even if they're useless. Even I have a char that drinks them every now and then.

Otherwise I think these potions would have a new purpose. You use normal stat potions to shape stats, then you use these lock potions when they're ideal. How to balance that out, so it doesn't mess up alchemist markets is another deal. When everyone would have their ideal stats, they'd only drink lock potions and they'd literally need to be 3-4 times more expensive than normal stat potions. We have people with HC stats and keeping those HC stats means a lot of business to alchemists.
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Re: stat-locking potion

Post by Adram »

well i personally do think something like this would have a purpose.

If you are going to be training a skill that requires int (say heighten or w.e) you could just pop one of these back and be good for some amount of time.
Or if you are going on a hunt, you could actually use your bandies, itemID, or other skills without the nuisance of unwanted gains.
To keep alchemy market balanced, you just have to make the time appropriate for it to wear off.
so lets say 1 hour of hunting requires 4 potions to keep stats locked. thats 15min per pot.

Even if alchemists make less gold (and yes i have an alchemist) i think the benefit to the game is worth it. Instead of fighting with keeping your skill ratio where it is you just set it where you like it then drink these pots the rest of your life.. still sounds like lots of gold in my pocket :twisted:
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Cirius Do'Brim
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Re: stat-locking potion

Post by Cirius Do'Brim »

It's still pretty hard to balance out. At best barbarians drink more vamps than gheals... while another class may find it completely useless.
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Re: stat-locking potion

Post by Demian »

I'd say no to the potion. Will take away a lot of business from Alchemists.

And this is from an assassin with 115/155/2 stats. No need to make even this too easymode.
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Re: stat-locking potion

Post by Zaradon »

Demian wrote: And this is from an assassin with 115/155/2 stats. No need to make even this too easymode.

Well, not trying to be a jerk here but you have an Alchemist alt and it's not hard for you to keep your ideal stats.
Whereas i am in the smelly situation with my barbarian who intentionally switched from 105 tactics to get 105 anatomy.

Now, i can barely get a gain while i drink 100 Gmanavamps (keeping int max at 20).

And the gains are still unbeliveably inhumane..
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