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Moderator: Game Masters

Do we want .virtue command?

Yes, it would be nice
Aye, dun care.
No, its not needed.
HELL NO, get a life!
Total votes: 37


Re: .virtue

Post by Troy »

Possibly we could say that your title is noble next title is illustrious I just dont see a point in the numbers as it is an OOC thing because your character would never know how much virtue he has obtained it is something granted to him once he has killed enough monsters, he shouldnt know the exact number he has to kill.
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Re: .virtue

Post by Ivan »

Troy wrote:Possibly we could say that your title is noble next title is illustrious I just dont see a point in the numbers as it is an OOC thing because your character would never know how much virtue he has obtained it is something granted to him once he has killed enough monsters, he shouldnt know the exact number he has to kill.
Why cant you just simply add it to .options menu where you can see your chars online time which is as much ooc as this.

Re: .virtue

Post by Troy »

Im pretty sure the .option stuff was already there upon creating the shard, like it was an automatic thing that comes with it. Its been there for every shard i have played on atleast. I dont really see a point in that especially since we dont have that wonderful little thing that shows who has the least life and such anymore :P
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Gorath Blackmind
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Re: .virtue

Post by Gorath Blackmind »

Pwease just gief!
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Re: .virtue

Post by Ivan »

I still cant see anykind of problem with making this command it should be pretty simple to make and its harmless...
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