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Re: Is Pangaea heading in a positive direction?

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 11:44 pm
by Vulcan
Cyrus Tegyr wrote:there are loot tables that can be worked on and that could be mentioned in there on a weekly basis, even if it doesn't go live. Npcdesc files could be looked at and cleaned up and in terms of scripting, ya things could be announced
They are. It doesn't mean we want those to be known, but I do agree that we slacked a bit on the communication. Mainly due to none of us having the patience to deal with the forum.
Cyrus Tegyr wrote:so I was told to script stand alone packages. I submitted one package 2 days after Christmas which I have just found out has gone no where to getting implemented
It's meant to be that way. Religions first, everything else later. None of the work me and Argon have done so far has been implemented because of that. Hence why we're first in line on that train.
Cyrus Tegyr wrote:Due to inactivity by the staff as you yourself said, because at least you have stopped reading the forums on a regular basis I assume the other two staff have, I feel I am personally put in the middle as an answering service for you guys, if that is what I signed up for I do not remember reading that in any job description.
We answer all PM's. If it's something I can solve right away, I'll answer it directly.If it's something that needs to be voted by the entire staff, I'll take it up to vote and provide answer when a solution has been reached. As far as PM's go, it's that easy, I get them straight on my phone the moment they are sent.

Re: Is Pangaea heading in a positive direction?

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 1:35 am
by LacedUp
do u see any religions after 2yrs? how long should we wait? maybe another 5yrs is ok for u? dev of server has fallen to crap and nobody believe anything they says when they tlk religions or ne thing else. blckfire must has no idea what he's doing if 2yrs go by and all he does is make shitty adventarer gm more broken and a stupid snowball cmd.

Re: Is Pangaea heading in a positive direction?

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 9:28 am
by Shalinn
LacedUp wrote:do u see any religions after 2yrs? how long should we wait? maybe another 5yrs is ok for u? dev of server has fallen to crap and nobody believe anything they says when they tlk religions or ne thing else. blckfire must has no idea what he's doing if 2yrs go by and all he does is make shitty adventarer gm more broken and a stupid snowball cmd.
what the fuck is your problem here ?

If you have nothing else to say, just be quiet.

Re: Is Pangaea heading in a positive direction?

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 9:04 pm
by Cyrus Tegyr
Shalinn wrote:
LacedUp wrote:do u see any religions after 2yrs? how long should we wait? maybe another 5yrs is ok for u? dev of server has fallen to crap and nobody believe anything they says when they tlk religions or ne thing else. blckfire must has no idea what he's doing if 2yrs go by and all he does is make shitty adventarer gm more broken and a stupid snowball cmd.
what the fuck is your problem here ?

If you have nothing else to say, just be quiet.
I think discontent and even anger is valid here, but not in the tone of the post but as a native English speaker, I suspect much of the tone we are inferring is translation issues.

I mean personally I believe the real fix for the adventures guild is to pull it out. It has always been plagued with bugs that inevitably get fixed and are never truly fixed, in the time I've been playing regular here (not including the first year repsak was running the shard) it has been "fixed" three times and still remain(s)(ed) broken? Learning how to work with data files is valid but that could have been learned through other means without fixing a seriously dilapidated pkg.

Religions, well I think a major point of criticism is that no one on the staff truly understood the scope with which the religion system interacts with many different systems. Aside from this I have my own personal enmity with which it is to be implemented and some of the stuff that will remain present which I shan't discuss here as most of you who read the forums already probably know and if not I've icq you can ask me over.

Finally, the vote which I don't recall seeing, let alone taking part in with regards to the server continuing in beta before religions and if there was a vote made information was undoubtedly put forth stating that stuff was closer to completion than it appears now in hindsight it was. Time I get it is a precious commodity but to dismiss people's frustration by sweeping it under the rug or blaming players for failures of others in "power" has a very real tendency to make things worse.

Expect nasty grams on the forums, this on every shard I've both played and staffed on is the norm. And with 4 classes mostly affected by no religions being present and one of those classes having an announcement stating they're to be nerfed well before tomes are even out in like October 2015, that's a significant percentage of characters and players affected. I've offered to help with some scripting and will finish the name change stuff hopefully over the next couple weeks but that's it for me in terms of working on and relearning escript for the benefit of Pangaea. Again I shan't air my reasons here I've icq if you've inquiries as to my reasons but I said I'd do the name change thing and carpet stuff, 50% of my plans are done with the carpet stuff though it could probably be improved upon which maybe I'll do but it'll be publicly available to any shard owner that wants to use it so not unique by any means to Pangaea. Sorry for off topic, thoughts flow through my head and I need to get them down on paper so to speak.