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Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 9:22 pm
by Charha
I had this idea of un-tooning meme images. Here's Derpina. I know the original meme face doesn't have a nose, but she looked kind of incomplete without it.

I was thinking I might do a few more... Maybe the "forever alone" guy?

Re: Artsss

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 9:29 pm
by Cirius Do'Brim
Charha wrote:I was thinking I might do a few more... Maybe the "forever alone" guy?
Only if you can top that.

Otherwise fantastic work.

Re: Artsss

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 9:44 pm
by Charha
Haha! No, I think that's already perfect. :D

Re: Artsss

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 9:56 pm
by Bipina Huntley
boths remakes are awesome, realy realy good work

Re: Artsss

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 1:19 am
by Boern
Gahh! Well, I now know what will haunt me in my nightmares tonight.

Besides that, amazing work. You really captured the derpness to a new level.

Re: Artsss

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 8:40 pm
by Gullivral
Kick ass stuff, I think its a kewl conceptual twist. What interface do you use to create?

Re: Artsss

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 10:45 pm
by Charha
Gullivral wrote:Kick ass stuff, I think its a kewl conceptual twist. What interface do you use to create?

I'm glad you like! I mostly use Photoshop CS5, but I also dabble with Corel Painter. I think Painter is very good for blending colors especially when you want to make traditional-looking paintings, but Photoshop has more options when it comes to filters, brushes and layers.

I can't do precise stuff with Painter at all, but it's good for that "hand drawn" look - like here with these birdies I drew for a storybook.

Re: Artsss

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 12:09 am
by Glarundis
good stuff

isn't it faster to just draw by hand?
do note, i'm not saying it's easier or makes it more perfect, because in a computer you can adjust it as much as you want until you reach "perfection". but it takes a lot more time to do that than just using a pencil and paper no?
with pencil and paper you either do it righ the first time, or you have to start over again, no? :D

but nonetheless those look good

Re: Artsss

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 8:31 am
by Basil Brotheamus
Glarundis wrote:good stuff

isn't it faster to just draw by hand?
do note, i'm not saying it's easier or makes it more perfect, because in a computer you can adjust it as much as you want until you reach "perfection". but it takes a lot more time to do that than just using a pencil and paper no?
with pencil and paper you either do it righ the first time, or you have to start over again, no? :D

but nonetheless those look good
You can use pencil with Photoshop too.

Re: Artsss

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 10:05 pm
by Charha
I personally use a wacom pad that comes with a stylus. You can use the stylus pretty much like a normal pen because the pad detects pressure. Most people with interest in digital arts eventually get one of these. The stylus is handy; I even play UO with it when I'm too lazy to switch to a mouse. I'm also pretty happy with my pad because it has worked for about seven years without any hiccups and I've used it daily. It's too bad these plastic pens aren't that reliable... I've completely used up about three of them so far.

Anyway, there's still a definite certain charm to drawing with a plain pencil on copy paper. Most of the time I draw my linearts traditionally and then do all the necessary corrections with Photoshop before coloring the stuff digitally. But it really depends on the assignment. Some stuff works better on a digital canvas than on a sheet of paper. And if I want to do some painting layer by layer, I do all of that digitally.