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Player behaviour

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 7:59 am
by Iktomi
Hi folks,

Just thought I would highlight two separate disciplinary issues that I dealt with recently:

1.) Do not lie or attempt to mislead GMs. You might get away with it occasionally, but we have lots of tools to check on things and if we find people lying or attempting to mislead us, then any punishment is going to be harsher. Just don't do it.

2.) RP standards and PvP. I know you all get hot and bothered OOC from some of the in-game PvP feuds going on, but please ensure that you continue to adhere to the RP guidelines of our world. Keep things mature. Keep them IC. If you find some people are consistently unable to understand this, please notify the GM team with screenshots. Also, be especially careful when you're defacing other people's books, as these can be read by anyone (including new players). If a book has been inappropriately defaced, don't edit the book and instead notify the GM team so we can confirm who made the edits and warn/punish accordingly.

GM Iktomi