Personal letter to Thoran Ravenwing

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Personal letter to Thoran Ravenwing

Post by Charha »

A sparrow perches on Thoran Ravenwing's shoulder. It seems tired, since the parchment it's carrying is a little bit too heavy for the poor bird. The letter has the following words scribbled on it:

Dearest Thoran,

I'm sorry I haven't been around much lately. I have had quite a lot of work to do in Skara Brae. I've managed to arrange myself a place where I can store a lot of potions without fear of breaking them while moving about.

I guess taking a little time off to myself has helped me see things your way. At first I was a bit freaked out by that trip you made to Yew and all that shamanistic stuff, but having thought the thing through I think that perhaps this connection you have with your "spirit animal" might not be such a bad thing as long as you've still got time for me too. I want to honor your ancestral traditions even if I don't completely understand them.

I miss you lots and I wish you still want to set a date for the wedding. I've even learned to bake pies, so I'm pretty sure I would make a good wife for you.

P.S. I also drew a picture of us.

Lots of ardent kisses,

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