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Minoc Miner's Guild

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2017 4:05 am
by GM Oden
Dear citizens,

We who toil deep in the earth, bringing up metal for your blacksmiths and tinkers have discovered a plethora of this strange dark colored rock. It appears to have little use but seeing as how we have so much of it, we thought it might be of some use to the citizens.

Our guild representative can be found in Minoc near the mining camp, his name is Pete. He has cleaned himself up to make his appearance, it took some time to wash the dirt and soot from his face and hands but seeing as how he is the hardest worker amongst us, he spends what seems like days in the cavernous mine shafts, he is rarely seen by citizens and so, if you wish to pick up something from him, we ask that you wish him a 'happy Christmas'.

We hope you have a safe and happy Christmas as well and remember that dragons do not recognize this time of year as a day of rest and relaxation so always be weary of those vile, havoc wreaking creatures.


Carl Stromberg,
Treasurer of the Minoc Miner's Guild